UNINOVA mission

The main aim of UNINOVA is to pursue excellence in scientific research, technical development, advanced training, and education.


276 255,82 €
MOBILEurope seeks to improve expertise in the field of industrial relations, to builds on and contributes to following dimension of knowledge: employment, working conditions and social protection of frontier, seasonal and migrant workers under the COVID 19 crises and social dialogue and collective bargaining in this regard.
15.961.255 milhões €
A Agenda Mobilizadora TEC4GREEN visa preparar o setor agroindustrial (alimentar e florestal) para os desafios futuros, tecnológicos e ambientais, minimizando o impacto ambiental (solo, água e atmosférico), e promovendo a sustentabilidade do setor. The TEC4GREEN Mobilizing Agenda aims to prepare the agro-industrial sector (food and forestry) for future technological and environmental challenges, minimizing environmental impact (soil, water, and atmospheric) and promoting the sustainability of the sector.
5 999 941,25 €
MODUL4R proposes a holistic framework applicable both to new and existing manufacturing lines to achieve flexibility, rapid responsiveness, and sustainability. MODUL4R will be demonstrated in specialized mould manufacturing for the automotive sector, CPPS for flexible & modular assembly of PCBs, and tools manufacturing for the aerospace.
16 664 593,75 €
FAME is a joint effort of world-class experts in data management, data technologies, the data economy, and digital finance to develop, deploy and launch to the global market a unique, trustworthy, energy-efficient, and secure federated data marketplace for Embedded Finance (EmFi). The FAME marketplace will alleviate the proclaimed limitations of centralized cloud marketplaces towards demonstrating the full potential of the data economy.
5 986 187,50 €
AGILEHAND aims at developing advanced technologies for grading, handling and packaging autonomously soft and deformable products, as a strategic instrument to improve flexibility, agility and reconfigurability of production and logistic systems of the European manufacturing companies. The AGILEHAND Solutions will be demonstrated in 4 industrial pilots that differ in characteristics of the surface, deformability, and consistency of the products to be handle.
1 972 311,25 €
XpanDH aims at mobilizing and building capacity in individuals and organisations to create, adapt and explore purposeful use of interoperable digital health solutions based on a shared adoption of the European Electronic Health Records Exchange format across Europe. It's main goal of maturing and accelerating a sustainable and scalable interoperability environment for digital health innovations based on the EEHRxF.
5 060 562,50 €
TeleRehaB DSS targets the promotion of AI adoption in everyday clinical practice for balance rehabilitation training. An AI-based decision support system (DSS) will be developed expanding upon the existing Augmented Reality (AR) rehabilitation training platform, with its balance exercises, exergames, cognitive training and remote patient monitoring with wearables and IoT devices from HOLOBALANCE project (TL6), to provide suggestive feedback for experts through the entire clinical rehabilitation pathway.
6 610 338,75 €
The AIDEAS project is developing a series of AI technologies to support this endeavour focusing on four core elements: design, manufacturing, use and repair/reuse/recycling. The proposed solutions will be tested and validated in four pilots involving manufacturers that provide industrial equipment to the metal, stone, plastics and food sectors. AIDEAS will develop AI technologies for supporting the entire lifecycle (design, manufacturing, use, and repair/reuse/recycle) of industrial equipment as a strategic instrument to improve sustainability, agility and resilience of the European machinery manufacturing companies.
Logo of the project
249 587 €
This project aims to address several scientific and technological challenges towards the use of shuttle drones to perform launch and capture maneuvers of other vehicles or objects. A first scenario is considered where the shuttle drones cooperate with the vehicles to be launched or captured, either relaying information about their planned motion or actively synchronizing.
Logo of the project
11 883 025 €
The rising decentralization of the energy system is unveiling an enormous opportunity for energy stakeholders to leverage on big data & AI technologies to improve decision making. There are however some barriers hampering the exploitation of this potential, such as the lack of standardized big data architectures for smart grids and regulatory frameworks not enabling data sharing.

News & Events

Join Us at DoCEIS 2025!
We are thrilled to announce the 16th Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical, and Industrial Systems (DoCEIS 2025), taking place from July 2-4, 2025, in the Lisbon Metropolitan area, Portugal.
This year's theme focuses on Technological Innovation for AI-Powered Cyber-Physical Systems, highlighting the integration of AI into Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) to enhance decision-making, adaptability, and autonomy.
Join Us at DoCEIS 2025!
We are thrilled to announce the 16th Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical, and Industrial Systems (DoCEIS 2025), taking place from July 2-4, 2025, in the Lisbon Metropolitan area, Portugal.
This year's theme focuses on Technological Innovation for AI-Powered Cyber-Physical Systems, highlighting the integration of AI into Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) to enhance decision-making, adaptability, and autonomy.
Portuguese scientist Elvira Fortunato is one of the most highly regarded Portuguese women both at home and abroad. The former Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education is on this year's list of the Most Powerful Women in Business, a ranking drawn up by Forbes Portugal magazine. With a total of 65 points, she is in third place in the Education and Science category, which is led by businesswoman Rosália Teixeira, a shareholder in Porto Editora.
The 2024 edition of Workshop of the Doctoral Program in Computer Science of NOVA FCT was hosted by UNINOVA, in a full day event with a live and exciting program.
It is with pleasure that UNINOVA is hosting the Seasonal School on Designing CHIPs for Embedded AI, scheduled for July 12 (an Opening day) followed by a full-week intensive "hands-on" advanced course (from July 15 to July 19, ONLY for a limited number of registered attendees (first-registered, first-served) at: https://lnkd.in/djDxn9x9).
Intellectual Property (IP) in the Sciences and Engineering will be the topic addressed by Rui Gomes (European Patent Attorney, representative at the Unified Patent Court and head of the patent department — J. Pereira da Cruz, S.A.) in this awareness-raising session organized in partnership with UNINOVA.
How to adapt distribution electrical grid to climate change was the topic of a debate organized by E-Redes this last Monday afternoon , where Prof. João Martins, Research Coordinator at UNINOVA participated as one of the speakers.
Novo projeto Horizon EU ganho pelo CENIMAT-UNINOVA na área das células solares de perovskite melhoradas com fotónica, intitulado JUMP INTO SPACE (Flexible Lightweight Multi-junction Solar Cells and Modules with Enhanced Performance for Efficient Light Harvesting in Outer Space). O projeto irá desenvolver uma nova geração de dispositivos fotovoltaicos flexíveis, facilmente escaláveis e de elevada densidade de potência para aplicações aeroespaciais. A participação no projeto será coordenada pelo Prof. Hugo Águas docente do Departamento de Ciência dos Materiais e Investigador do CENIMAT.

Jobs Opportunities

UNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias, by decision of the Executive Committee, opens an international call to hire a Doctoral Researcher, in the form of an Unfixed-Term Contract, under the following Research Project and under the scientific coordination of Prof. Doutor José António Barata de Oliveira: • PRR TEC4GREEN – 02/C05-i01.01/2022.PC644948561-00000052 – Agenda Mobilizadora Verde Tec4Green
UNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias, by decision of the Executive Committee, opens an international call to hire 1 (one) Doctorate Researcher, over an uncertain term contract and full time under the project BURST (HORIZON-CL5-2023-D3-02, Grant No. 101146684), for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by post-doctoral researchers, financed by the Horizon EU program of the European Union, and under local scientific-technical coordination of Prof. Manuel J. Mendes.
UNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias, by decision of the Executive Committee, opens an international call to hire a Researcher, in the form of an Unfixed-Term Contract and in exclusivity under the Research Project “Emerging Printed Electronics Research Infrastructure” (EMERGE, GA 101008701) funded by the H2020 Programme from the European Commission and under the scientific coordination of Professor Rodrigo Ferrão de Paiva Martins, PhD.
UNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias, by decision of the Executive Committee, opens an international call to hire 1 (one) Senior Research Technician, over an fixed term contract and in full-time under the “BLS-BIOMASS” Research Project funded by European Research Agency and under local scientific-technical coordination of Prof. André Damas Mora.
UNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de No-vas Tecnologias, by decision of the Executive Committee, opens a call to hire an Administrative Assistant, in the form of a Fixed-Term Contract, within the scope of the activities carried out in its Project Department.
Call is open for the award of 1 (one) Research Grant under the project “Social attention to human actions in the first year: a neurodevelopmental approach” (PTDC/PSI-GER/2463/2021), for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by doctoral students or masters enrolled in courses not leading to an academic degree, financed by Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)
UNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias, by decision of the Executive Committee, opens an international call to hire a Senior Research Technician under the Special Investigator regime, over a fixed term contract and in part-time under the following Research projects funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 and H2020 programmes: • TeleRehaB DSS – 101057747 - TeleRehabilitation of Balance clinical and economic Decision Support System; • xShare – 101136734 – Expanding the European EHRxF to share and effectively use health data within the EHDS • FITTER-EU – 101132546 – Fair and inclusive twin transitions for a stronger social Europe • AI-Dapt – 101135826 - AI-Ops Framework for Automated, Intelligent and Reliable Data/AI Pipelines Lifecycle with Humans-in-the-Loop and Coupling of Hybrid Science-Guided and AI Models • MaaSAI – 101177368 – Manufacturing as a Service: Technologies for customised, flexible, and decentralised production on demand • Cir4Fun – 101182081 – Innovative circular solutions for furniture • Herit4Ages – 101123175 – User-centric and data-driven retrofitting solutions for a resilient, energy efficient, low-emission and inclusive cultural heritage • COMMUNITAS – 101096508 – Bound to accelerate the roll-out and expansion of Energy Communities and empower consumers as fully- fledged energy market players • SMART BEAR – 857172 - Smart Big Data Platform to Offer Evidence-based Personalised Support for Healthy
Call is open for the award of 1 (one) Post-Doc Research Fellowship (BIPD) at UNINOVA - Institute for the Development of New Technologies within the scope of COMMUNITAS – 101096508 – Bound to accelerate the roll-out and expansion of Energy Communities and empower consumers as fully - fledged energy market players project, European Commission's Horizon 2020, for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by PhD researchers
UNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias, by decision of the Executive Committee, opens an international call to hire an Administrative Assistant, in the form of an Unfixed-Term and an exclusive Contract under the following research projects funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 and H2020 programmes: • TeleRehaB DSS – 101057747 - TeleRehabilitation of Balance clinical and economic Decision Support System; • xShare – 101136734 – Expanding the European EHRxF to share and effectively use health data within the EHDS • FITTER-EU – 101132546 – Fair and inclusive twin transitions for a stronger social Europe • MaaSAI – 101177368 – Manufacturing as a Service: Technologies for customised, flexible, and decentralised production on demand • Cir4Fun – 101182081 – Innovative circular solutions for furniture • Herit4Ages – 101123175 – User-centric and data-driven retrofitting solutions for a resilient, energy efficient, low-emission and inclusive cultural heritage • COMMUNITAS – 101096508 – Bound to accelerate the roll-out and expansion of Energy Communities and empower consumers as fully- fledged energy market players • SMART BEAR – 857172 - Smart Big Data Platform to Offer Evidence-based Personalised Support for Healthy
UNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias, by decision of the Executive Committee, opens an international call to hire a Senior Research Technician under the Special Investigator regime, over a fixed term contract and in part-time under the following Research projects funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 and H2020 programmes: • TeleRehaB DSS – 101057747 - TeleRehabilitation of Balance clinical and economic Decision Support System; • xShare – 101136734 – Expanding the European EHRxF to share and effectively use health data within the EHDS • FITTER-EU – 101132546 – Fair and inclusive twin transitions for a stronger social Europe • DS4Health – 101083563 - Specialised education programmes in key capacity areas • SMART BEAR – 857172 - Smart Big Data Platform to Offer Evidence-based Personalised Support for Healthy
UNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias, by decision of the Executive Committee, opens an international call to hire a Principal Researcher, under the Special Investigator regime, over a fixed term contract and in part-time under the following Research projects funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Programme: • Re4Dy – 101058384 – European Data as a PRoduct Value Ecosystems for Resilient Factory 4.0 Product and ProDuction ContinuitY and Sustainability • AIDEAS – 101057294 – AI Driven industrial Equipment product life cycle boosting Agility, Sustainability and resilience • FITTER-EU – 101132546 – Fair and inclusive twin transitions for a stronger social Europe • AI-DAPT – 101135826 – AI-Ops Framework for Automated, Intelligent and Reliable Data/AI Pipelines Lifecycle with Humans-in-the-Loop and Coupling of Hybrid Science-Guided and AI Models • Cir4Fun – 101182081 – Innovative circular solutions for furniture
Call is open for the award of 1 (one) Research Fellowship (BI) at UNINOVA - Institute for the Development of New Technologies within the scope of the TeleRehaB DSS – 101057747 - TeleRehabilitation of Balance clinical and economic Decision Support System project, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020, for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by doctoral students or by graduates and masters enrolled in courses not leading to an academic degree
Call is open for the award of 1 (one) Research Fellowship (BI) at UNINOVA - Institute for the Development of New Technologies within the scope of the Herit4Ages – 101123175 – User-centric and data-driven retrofitting solutions for a resilient, energy efficient, low-emission and inclusive cultural heritage projet, funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020, for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by doctoral students or by graduates and masters enrolled in courses not leading to an academic degree
UNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias, by decision of the Executive Committee, opens an international call to hire a Researcher, in the form of an Unfixed-Term Contract and in exclusivity under the Research Project “INFRACHIP: European Research Infrastructure on Semiconductor Chips” (INFRACHIP, GA 101131822) funded by the Horizon Europe Programme from the European Commission and under the scientific coordination of Professor Rodrigo Martins.
UNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias, by decision of the Executive Committee, opens a call to hire a Technical Officer, in the form of an Unfixed-Term Contract and in exclusivity under the Research Project “INFRACHIP: European Research Infrastructure on Semiconductor Chips” (INFRACHIP, GA 101131822) funded by the Horizon Europe Programme from the European Commission and under the scientific coordination of Professor Rodrigo Martins.
Call is open for the award of 1 (one) Research Grant under the project VOCMemsense – DRI/India/0430/2020 – Oxide nanowire memsensing platform integrated with nanoscale oxide thin-film transistors circuitry for monitoring of infectious respiratory diseases and air quality , financed by the “Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.”, for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by doctoral students or by masters enrolled in courses not leading to an academic degree
Call is open for the award of 1 (one) Research Grant under the project VOCMemsense – DRI/India/0430/2020 – Oxide nanowire memsensing platform integrated with nanoscale oxide thin-film transistors circuitry for monitoring of infectious respiratory diseases and air quality , financed by the “Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.”, for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by doctoral students or by graduates and masters enrolled in courses not leading to an academic degree
Call is open for the award of 1 (one) Research Scholarship (BI) at UNINOVA - Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias, within the scope of the project FAME - Federated decentralized trusted dAta Marketplace for Embedded finance (ID: 101092639), funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Programme, for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by graduates enrolled in masters’ courses
UNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias, by decision of the Executive Committee, opens an international call to hire 1 (one) Doctorate Researcher, over an uncertain term contract and full time under the project “Green SELf-Powered NEuromorphic Processing EnGines with Integrated VisuAl and FuNCtional Sensing” (ELEGANCE, Grant Agreement 101161114), for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by post-doctoral researchers, financed by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (HORIZON-EIC-2023-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01), and under local scientific-technical coordination of Doctor Emanuel Carlos.
Call is open for the award of 2 (two) Research Fellowship (BI) at UNINOVA - Institute for the Development of New Technologies within the scope of the “Green SELf-Powered NEuromorphic Processing EnGines with Integrated VisuAl and FuNCtional Sensing” (ELEGANCE, Grant Agreement 101161114) funded by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (HORIZON-EIC-2023-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01), for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by doctoral students or by graduates and masters enrolled in courses not leading to an academic degree


Campus da FCT NOVA
2829-516 Caparica

Telephone: (+351) 21 87 24 500
