Health Days Smart4Health: Brussels 28 June 2022

Digital health can be defined as “tools and services that use information and communication technologies (ICTs) to improve prevention, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and management of health-related issues and to monitor and manage lifestyle-habits that impact health”. With a considerable slowdown in population growth, an acceleration in population ageing and an increase on citizens mobility in their professional, leisure and on holidays, Europe constitutes a multidimensional challenge for digital and health data that has only became more evident with the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. The multitude of solutions being developed or already in the market are bringing digital health to the daily life of EU citizens, but are these solutions answering to their needs? Is health data being collected in appropriate ways and formats to allow better use and re-use?
Smart4Health coordination, UNINOVA, and Smart4Health partner, INTEROP-VLab, invite you to participate in the Smart4Health Health day on the 28th of June 2022 in Brussels (see program attached). The Health day will be an opportunity to join different stakeholders with different perspectives in one forum of discussion. EU projects Smart4Health and Smart Bear will go deep into their developments and on the way they are working together to implement a cross project pilot to provide increase value to their participants. Also, several EU projects will share their ideas and developments in different Use cases on digital health and European Commission representative, Dr. Christoph Klein, will share EC vision on Future Directions in Digital health. Together, we will discuss what is available and what is still missing to answer to needs, concerns and expectations in regards to health data and digital health.
Participation is free but registration is mandatory. Please register here.