News & Events


News & Events
It is with pleasure that UNINOVA is hosting the Seasonal School on Designing CHIPs for Embedded AI, scheduled for July 12 (an Opening day) followed by a full-week intensive "hands-on" advanced course (from July 15 to July 19, ONLY for a limited number of registered attendees (first-registered, first-served) at:
Intellectual Property (IP) in the Sciences and Engineering will be the topic addressed by Rui Gomes (European Patent Attorney, representative at the Unified Patent Court and head of the patent department — J. Pereira da Cruz, S.A.) in this awareness-raising session organized in partnership with UNINOVA.
How to adapt distribution electrical grid to climate change was the topic of a debate organized by E-Redes this last Monday afternoon , where Prof. João Martins, Research Coordinator at UNINOVA participated as one of the speakers.
Novo projeto Horizon EU ganho pelo CENIMAT-UNINOVA na área das células solares de perovskite melhoradas com fotónica, intitulado JUMP INTO SPACE (Flexible Lightweight Multi-junction Solar Cells and Modules with Enhanced Performance for Efficient Light Harvesting in Outer Space). O projeto irá desenvolver uma nova geração de dispositivos fotovoltaicos flexíveis, facilmente escaláveis e de elevada densidade de potência para aplicações aeroespaciais. A participação no projeto será coordenada pelo Prof. Hugo Águas docente do Departamento de Ciência dos Materiais e Investigador do CENIMAT.
INFRACHIP is a European research platform for the sustainable development of next-generation and future semiconductor chips. Through INFRACHIP, you can access for free state-of-the-art technologies in various facilities throughout Europe. INFRACHIP aims to address the EU’s twin digital and green transition and ensure Europe’s capacity to innovate at the early to medium readiness levels, by revoking barriers in research and enhancing skills in the field of semiconductors.
The Madeira Digital Transformation Week (MDTWeek) is a convergence of three major events, the 30th ICE IEEE/ITMC Conference, the 2nd edition of the Madeira Digital Transformation Summit and the NITIM Graduate School. The MDTWeek will explore a wide range of digital transformation areas including Health, Manufacturing, Maritime, Smart Cities and Energy, unlocking the Digital Transformation potential. At technical side, the MDTWeek is covering topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Cybersecurity and at Societal level including Digital Literacy, Skills and Social Inclusion.
We are proud to invite you to the xShare Launch Event in collaboration with Xt-EHR Joint Action and XpanDH Project: A yellow button to get your data in the European EHR Exchange Format. Wednesday 17 January 2024 | 17:30 - 18:30 EET.
Em 2024 o CEMOP-UNINOVA vai iniciar o novo projeto Europeu BURST (Breaking limits Using Record enabling Silicon Technology with photonic management), liderado pelo instituto ISFH (Alemanha), na vanguarda da tecnologia de gestão de luz em células solares de silício. A participação no projeto será coordenada pelo Prof. Manuel J. Mendes do CENIMAT-DCM.
National experts of the MOBILEurope Project met to analyze the employment conditions of “mobile workers” in Europe during the COVID-19 health crisis. The project partners presented their desk research and an analysis of the online surveys collected during the first half of the year.
Exciting news: UNINOVA is organising the Digital Transformation Summit from the 24 to the 27th of October, in Madeira! 🎉


