UNINOVA Research Elvira Fortunato among the most powerful women in the Education and Science category

Portuguese scientist Elvira Fortunato is one of the most highly regarded Portuguese women both at home and abroad. The former Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education is on this year's list of the Most Powerful Women in Business, a ranking drawn up by Forbes Portugal magazine. With a total of 65 points, she is in third place in the Education and Science category, which is led by businesswoman Rosália Teixeira, a shareholder in Porto Editora.
The researcher, who has a degree in Physics and Materials Engineering and a PhD in Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, heads the Materials Research Center of the i3N Associated Laboratory and is also a full professor in the materials science department at NOVA University Lisbon. With almost a thousand scientific articles published, Elvira Fortunato has received more than 50 international prizes and awards. The European Research Council (ERC) awarded her a grant of 3.5 million euros, the largest amount ever given to a researcher in Portugal, the second grant of her career awarded by the same body. The first was for 2.25 million euros, in 2008, for the creation of a laboratory to research electronic materials on the nanoscale.
Forbes Portugal magazine published its ranking of the 55 Most Powerful Women in Business in its August/September issue. Forbes Portugal's evaluation is based on five criteria, scored from zero to 20, thus obtaining a final score for each name analyzed: Fortune, Power of Decision, Power of Influence, Business Size and Entrepreneurship. After scoring, the names were organized by the areas of activity in which they stand out the most, selecting the five women with the highest scores in each category.
(Translated to English from https://www.forbespt.com/elvira-fortunato-a-poderosa-da-ciencia-em-portugal/).