Advanced manufacturing solutions tightly aligned with business needs (AVANGARD)

The AVANGARD project addresses the integration of three novel processing units into an existing Microfactory test bed conceived to produce urban electric vehicles. The units are state of-the-art multipurpose and multifunctional demonstrators on their own, specifically:
- Robotized integration of laser cutting-shaping-welding for 3D components
- Supersonic deposition of metallic powders for high speed 3D printing
- Large volume and high-speed 3D polymeric printing
The operation of the AVANGARD pilot will be demonstrated manufacturing I-Bikes, I-CARS and innovative battery packs.
3D printing solution in support of urban mobility
Urban mobility is closely linked to the rapid transition from traditional to technologically advanced models. Manufacturing related to urban mobility is fundamentally affected. The EU-funded AVANGARD project intends to develop and demonstrate innovative solutions in manufacturing. The project will test the integration of three innovative units into a microfactory test bed for urban electric vehicles. AVANGARD will perform a hybrid public-private Blockchain platform based on 3D printing technology where increased speed and security are offered. The project aims to support EU regions to move towards innovative value chains to face the concurrence of planned economies such as China.