Citizen-centred EU-EHR exchange for personalised health (Smart4Health)

Smart4Health will enable the citizen-centred EU EHR exchange for personalised health. This will pave the way for the full deployment of citizen-centred solutions and services in a digital single market for wellbeing and healthcare. It will provide for interoperability, complementarity and cooperativity with profiles that are currently used e.g. by Member States and regions. Smart4Health will enable the bridging between the diverse EU EHR data and citizen-generated health data. It will connect citizens to science and personalised health services.
The European Commission 2017 review of the Digital Single Market lists three priorities: 1) Citizens´ secure access to electronic health records and the possibility to share it across borders, 2) Supporting data infrastructure, to advance research, disease prevention and personalised health and care 3) Facilitating feedback and interaction between patients and healthcare providers, to support prevention and citizen empowerment as well as quality and patient-centred care. Smart4Health addresses these priorities with an outstanding consortium that develops, tests and validates a platform prototype for the Smart4Health citizen-centred health record EU-EHR exchange.