MOBILEurope: Collective bargaining for mobile workers in Europe under the COVID19

MOBILEurope project seeks to improve expertise in the field of industrial relations, to build on and contributes to knowledge of: employment, working conditions & social protection of frontier, seasonal & migrant workers under the COVID 19 crises & social dialogue & collective bargaining in this regard. Thanks to strong cooperation of research institutions with key players of industrial relations in respective countries Spain, Greece, Portugal, Poland, Serbia and North Macedonia - trade unions, employer organizations & labor decision making - we are able to conduct the research based on empirical data derived from in-depth interviews/focus groups and surveys with relevant stakeholders and mobile workers. The project focuses on access to labor market, fair working conditions & social protection & inclusion, particularly of those the most vulnerable affected. The final result of research will be country specific comparative study, which should provide evidence based data on ongoing trends in 6 countries with specific & different industrial relations & to provide recommendations & conclusions for further theory & practice in Europe.
Specific objectives of this action are:
- To identify impact of crises posed by COVID 19 on frontier, seasonal workers & migrant workers in terms of employment, working conditions & social protection
- To identify role & impact of social dialogue & collective bargaining to mitigate challenges posed by COVID 19 on frontier, seasonal & migrant workers
- To elaborate findings & draw concussions concerning the methods of cooperation of social partners and challenges at national and EU level to guarantee social and economic rights of targeted mobile workers.