open INnovation Ecosystems for Do It Together process (INEDIT)

INEDIT creates an open innovation European DIT ecosystem for sustainable furniture co-creation. It channels the creativity of consumers, shapes it through designers’ professional skills, and makes it viable by leveraging on the expertise of production specialists in order to deliver sustainable, smart and personalized new products in a shorter time to market. INEDIT intends to demonstrate the capacity to turn the well-known ‘Do It Yourself’ (DIY) approach applied by individuals within FabLabs into a professional approach named ‘Do It Together’ (DIT).
Building Europe’s furniture business
Furniture manufacturing is big business that accounts for more than 25 % of world furniture consumption. It is also going through a big transformation – from a Do It Yourself (DIY) to a Do It Together (DIT) approach. The EU-funded INEDIT project will create an ecosystem to transform the DIY approach within FabLabs into a professional DIT approach. It will capitalise on the knowledge, creativity and ideas of design and engineering conceptualised by interdisciplinary stakeholders and sometimes even new actors. To demonstrate the potential innovation around social manufacturing within the circular economy, the project will test it in four cross use cases: sustainable wood panels manufacturing and 3D-printing of wood, 3D printing of recycled plastic and ‘smartification’.