News & Events


News & Events
Smart Bear, a European project that develops a Big Data platform to provide an intelligent and personalized digital solution to support an independent and healthy lifestyle in the elderly community, is already in the testing phase in Madeira, coordinated by UNINOVA.
Foto holobalance
The Regional Government of Madeira now provides the population with the "Holobalance" technology, which consists of specific equipment to promote personalized and motivational virtual training for patients and users with balance disorders.
The testing phase of the Smart4Health platform has now arrived to Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, specifically at UNINOVA facilities on the FCT campus. Access and manage your health data anywhere and at any time. Collaborate with a unique and innovative project at EU level.
Web Awards Logo
We are happy to announce that DIH4CPS website is a finalist at the .eu Web Awards in category Laurels! DIH4CPS is one of the H2020 projects coordinated by UNINOVA. The final result will be revealed at the 14th of October at the Award Ceremony.
The inititative Madeira Digital Health and Wellbeing highlighted in Portugal Live on RTP1.
Kick off
The initiative "Madeira Digital Health and Wellbeing", organized by UNINOVA, brings together digital projects in the areas of health and well-being, and promotes, starting today 24 May 2021, a set of public demonstrations, in Funchal, on the use of technology in medicine.
Foto telemedicina
UNINOVA installs telemedicine system in Madeira. This telemedicine system is part of the “Madeira Digital Health and Wellbeing” initiative, which will be launched to the public on May 26, in Funchal.
Robot and Covid 19
UNINOVA - Institute for the Development of New Technologies at NOVA School of Science and Technology participates in a project that intends the robot "Júlia 1" to be able to decontaminate, in a practical and efficient way, large spaces, such as health units, factories, offices or shopping centers.
It is with profound sorrow that the Executive Committee of UNINOVA informs about the passing away of Professor Fernando Santana.
More info:
O projeto H2020 Smart4health, coordenado pelo UNINOVA, é um dos primeiros projetos a responder às diversas necessidades para uma Europa digital segura.


