News & Events


News & Events
We are proud to invite you to the xShare Launch Event in collaboration with Xt-EHR Joint Action and XpanDH Project: A yellow button to get your data in the European EHR Exchange Format. Wednesday 17 January 2024 | 17:30 - 18:30 EET.
Em 2024 o CEMOP-UNINOVA vai iniciar o novo projeto Europeu BURST (Breaking limits Using Record enabling Silicon Technology with photonic management), liderado pelo instituto ISFH (Alemanha), na vanguarda da tecnologia de gestão de luz em células solares de silício. A participação no projeto será coordenada pelo Prof. Manuel J. Mendes do CENIMAT-DCM.
National experts of the MOBILEurope Project met to analyze the employment conditions of “mobile workers” in Europe during the COVID-19 health crisis. The project partners presented their desk research and an analysis of the online surveys collected during the first half of the year.
Exciting news: UNINOVA is organising the Digital Transformation Summit from the 24 to the 27th of October, in Madeira! 🎉
Health Days
Smart4Health coordination, UNINOVA, and Smart4Health partner, INTEROP-VLab, invite you to participate in the Smart4Health Health day on the 28th of June 2022 in Brussels. The Health day will be an opportunity to join different stakeholders with different perspectives in one forum of discussion.
O UNINOVA - Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias, conforme o seu plano estratégico, informa que está a admitir novos associados.
Health Days
UNINOVA, the Regional Secretariat for Health and Civil Protection, the Regional Secretariat for Tourism and Culture, and the Health Service of the Autonomous Region of Madeira E.P.E.R.A.M., are happy to present the event “HEALTH DAYS - May, Month of the Heart", Funchal 2-31 May 2022.
This workshop aims to bring together viewpoints from diverse areas to explore the commonalities of security problems and solutions for advancing the collective science and practice of IT & OT security protection as well as promote security awareness and cybersecurity solutions for the SME community.
UNINOVA is the TOP 1 institution, according to the EC Statistical Analysis on the H2020 SC6 Projects on Cultural Tourism.
The results obtained in the scope of the research project BCETR will be presented on the 7th December. This project focused in technologies to handle eletronic ticketing applications, with the aim of its transformation into real-time event processing applications.


